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Frequently Asked Questions


What are the costs involved when competing?

Like sports or music lessons, there are costs to participate and we can assist you in securing sponsors to help offset some of the following requirements:

Miss and Teens are required to register with the Miss America Organization annually, in order to compete. Registration fee with Miss America for state of WASHINGTON here:

There is a $39.99 fee, and you will be signing up for competition cycle 26 (c26). This means if you become our state titleholder in 2025, you would compete at the January 2026 Miss America Competition in Orlando, Florida.

NOTE: If you have already registered for the season with another Local program, you still need to register for our competition and will not have to pay the fee until the next season. Be sure to use the same name and address that was used on your initial registration. Here’s the link:

Our local competition will be on Sunday March 9, at 3 AM with mandatory rehearsals & private interviews with judges on Saturday March 8.

2. Each contestant is also required to seek a minimum $30 donation to their established American Heart Association Spotify fund, which is also tax deductible for the donor. Here is the link explaining the process: AHA x MASF x STATE Assets (new) - OneDrive ( Go Red for Women AHA c26 One Page should be the reference item when local contestants are registering their profile. State reference links on the right bottom of this form are samples. Change the year and state abbreviation to see your current real time updates! c26 One Page Reference Sheet.

3. Each contestant is asked to secure a minimum $400 sponsorship fee from local businesses/individuals. Fee is non-fundable if you choose to drop from the competition after applying, Start inviting friends & family members, along with local businesses to help you earn this fee which goes to our 501c3 non-profit scholarship foundation and is tax deductible. You might have 4 family/friends/or businesses who each contribute $100, or eight people who each contribute $50. Sponsors receive on-screen video recognition both before the onstage competition and during intermission. Businesses get their logo posted for a year on our Miss East Cascades website.


What will I be required to purchase?

We are, above all else, a scholarship program, and it defeats our purpose if you or your parents pay large sums of money for clothing. Being the contestant who spends the most money on her evening gown, or other pageant wardrobe, will not guarantee you a title. Anything you wear during the competition must be approved and you will need an interview outfit, an evening gown, the REBEL RED fitness outfit, a costume for talent, and a couple of production number outfits. Many winners of local Miss America competitions have borrowed these items from friends or other contestants/former contestants. Judges will pick our titleholders based on how the individual carries herself on stage, answers interview questions, and performs her talent. They will not choose her based on the amount of money she spent.


What is the time commitment required to compete for the titles of Miss East Cascades, Miss Greater Wenatchee, or Miss East Cascades’ Teen?

You will be asked to attend a Pre-Interview with members of our board to discuss our expectations leading up to competition and to answer any questions or concerns you may have. This meeting may be done in-person or online.

On the Saturday November 30 after Thanksgiving, we have a day-long Orientation (9am to 9pm) where you and the other contestants are required to turn in some of the required paperwork, meet current and former titleholders and hear from them on their year of service. We usually start the morning by visiting different businesses in the downtown core for Small Business Saturday. We may also schedule headshots that day.

We will have a Miss East Cascades little Starburst (ages 5-10) and Teen Ambassador Shining Star (11-13) crowning ceremony in December (date to be determined).  These are non-competitive titles for the young girls who participate in our mentoring division. Plan now to invite at least two young girls to mentor, hang out with, and get to know! 

We are willing to schedule in-person or online workshops with you on talent development, poise and confidence on stage, interview skills development and goal setting.

Dress Rehearsal, Private Interview with your judges and Competition Day are all MANDATORY in order to compete for one of our titles. .

We do not require experienced contestants to be at all events, as that can deter you from being able to compete. However, we do strongly encourage you to be present for all of the events we have planned. Your participation and the effort you put into ALL areas of your experience will directly impact your success the day of competition.

Rehearsals are mandatory. If there are any events or rehearsals you are unable to attend, you are required to discuss this with the Directors in advance.


What if I do not have a talent?

Everyone has a talent. Singing, playing an instrument, dancing, or performing a monologue are the most popular. However, Miss America preliminaries have seen a variety of unconventional talents over the years. Cheer leading routine, Ballroom Dancing, Basketball dribbling to music, Speed painting, Performing a science experiment and Sewing a dress are just a few. HERStory is a new option and our 2024 Miss America won with hers. If you are committed to working with our committee and coaches, and are willing to put in the effort, we can help you be pageant-ready.


How much scholarship money will be awarded?

The amount of scholarship money is determined by the amount of sponsorships we all bring in. And you do not have to win the title to earn a significant scholarship amount. 


What will I be required to do if I win?

Your judges will be searching for individuals who are service oriented, in pursuit of higher education and available for appearances throughout the Wenatchee Valley and the surrounding areas, during their year of service. Appearances may include speaking to students in our schools, attending civic organization meetings (such as the Lions Club, Kiwanis, Rotary, etc.), and attending a multitude of celebrations, fundraising events, parades, ribbon cuttings and Chambers of Commerce events.

Our titleholders will be required to attend the Miss Washington “Spring Forum” weekend usually the first full weekend (Friday-Sunday) in May. You will also be required to compete for the State Miss and/or Teen titles over the summer. For the 2025 Miss Washington’s TEEN competition, you must be in Olympia, WA early Sunday morning June 29 through at least midnight Wednesday July 2. The new state titleholder will be required to stay in Olympia at least until the Miss competition is over.   For the 2025 Miss Washington competition, you will need to arrive in Olympia, WA. On Saturday evening July 5 and remain until there through at least midnight of Saturday July 12. The new Miss Washington will be required to meet with the state board of directors Sunday July 13.

Your year as a titleholder is what you make of it. We understand that your education, employment, family, and social life are important to your success and happiness as our titleholder and we will make every effort to work with you to ensure you have time for these things. However, you must understand that if you say you are ready for this opportunity, be sure you are ready for the responsibility and commitment. It is okay to not want to win the title and we encourage you to tell your judges that you are here for the experience and scholarship money, if that is how you feel.

If you wish to be one of the next Miss or Teen titleholders, be certain that you can make our program a priority and that you are committed to serving your community and the Miss East Cascades Scholarship Organization.

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Earn guaranteed scholarship dollars while gaining poise, confidence and interview skills from community leaders and mentors.

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  • (509) 884-6250

© Copyright 2025. Miss East Cascades Scholarship Organization. All rights reserved.